Saturday, March 05, 2005

Slashdot | MS-DOS Paternity Dispute Goes to Court

Slashdot MS-DOS Paternity Dispute Goes to Court: "Re:Suing will not Bring Gary Kildall Back (Score:4, Interesting)
by runderwo (609077) * on Thursday March 03, @09:38PM (#11840760)

Gary Kildall eventually died in a bar, but many (including myself) would say that Bill Gates drove Kildall toward suicidal drinking, which lead to him being killed in a bar with other drunks.

The story actually goes that Kildall fell in a bar and died slowly at home of some internal injury.

By contrast, Kildall did not even get the fame, i.e. the recognition that he deserved. Ask any Windows/MS-DOS user who Kildall is, and she will scratch her head with ignorance. If I were in Kildall's shoes, I would have been bitter every day of my life and would have probably committed suicide too.

Then again, you had Phil Katz [], who ripped off ARC from Thom Henderson, rocketed to fame and fortune with it, and then proceeded to drink himself to death. I would say that certain people can't handle failure, but certain others can't handle success either. Blaming one's individual choice to drink himself to death on another doesn't change where the responsibility for his suicide lies - with himself.


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