Sunday, July 31, 2005

Slashdot | Choice of Language for Large-Scale Web Apps?:

You can certainly make a large, high traffic site in python. But not with zope. Zope is brutally slow, and the only thing you can do about it is shove a cache infront of it, which does nothing to help speed up user-specific content.

Just use a decent python web framework with a real webserver, zope is a waste of time.

A solution I like is to write a Python backend that is exposed to the frontend as XML-RPC. Then use the language your designers find easiest to work in for front-end coding.. usually PHP.

Python is great for the backend because it has good namespace support which helps a lot for big complex programs. PHP on the other hand is well known and extremely easy for doing various web-scripting type tasks. I have a little PHP function that gets called by the PHP server for every page (without needing to be in the code exposed to the PHP coders) that simply passes the page inputs to Python over XML-RPC and puts the response into a global variable. Then the PHP coders jut display the results however needs to be done based on the inputs and outputs.

Some nice benefits of such a split system is that it's easy to keep UI logic sepperate from application logic and it's easy to split your application up over multiple servers so that it can scale to any load. For example you might have two PHP servers, three Python servers, and a DB server dividing the load. Normal load balancing techniques work just fine for deciding how the machines talk to each other. Pretty nice to be able to just throw another server in where it's needed if you suddenly find a 9/11-type day where your site is getting unexpectedly high loads.

Of course you can split your processing up in more levels if you need to. I like to abstract out all my queries into their own XML-RPC interface that sits in front of the DB so as to not allow direct access to the DB for security reasons. Anyone trying to hack the DB would have to use my stored queries and work through my XML-RPC interface rather than being able to access the DB directly. If your dealing with sensitive information it's just another layer of protection. If you have to access third-party systems that use some unstandardized method of communicating then it can help to keep your code clean if you create a proxy interface between those systems and your own that speaks XML-RPC. This way the code for speaking to that other system is a completely sepperate code base and your main code base is kept clean.


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