Thursday, August 11, 2005

Is my brain analog or digital? | The Register: "All right, let's end this moronic debate over analog vs digital right now: The world is NOT analog. It is digital. Ask any quantum physicist if there is anything in this universe that cannot be reduced to a collection of specific quantum particles. To better illustrate this point, let us turn to that champion of analog examples, the magnetic tape. This is always put forth as the 'analog' data storage system. But what is magnetic tape? It is a ribbon of material along which magnetic _particles_ are arranged to store data. Can you store data on this tape that is represented by 1/2 a particle? No, the 'analog' magnetic tape is actually digital, its 'digit' being the magnetic particle. So-called analog systems are actually digital systems whose intrinsic level of precision is beyond that which we can (or wish to) control or observe. That does not make them 'not digital', it makes us 'not capable'.

Steven Knox"


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