Sunday, November 20, 2005

Backup FireFox - The Extensions Mirror: "This topic has appeared several times recently. For one check:

Below is a cut an paste of my post in that thread:

Check this Mozillazine Forum Topic on backing up extensions, which is really backing up your profile.

My own response to that topic I will cut and paste here:

I back up my profile periodically with a simple batch file (BAKUP.BAT):

del d:\zipfils\
wzzip -p -r d:\zipfils\

I put this batch file in the profile directory (for windows 98 SE):

C:\windows\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox

When I want to backup my profile and all my extensions, I open Firefox and clear History/Cache/Cookies and then exit. Open explorer or DOS box in the profile directory and execute the batch file which copies all files in all the sub directories. To restore a profile, unzip the files back into the profile folder. Note 'wzzip' is the command line version of Winzip. The freeware program 7zip may also be used (with a slightly different command syntax). I store my zip files in the folder: D:\zipfils. This could be changed at the user's preference.

The reason I clear the cache/history/cookies etc. is to minimize the size of the zip file - which is about 17 MB for my profile. You can also use this zipfile for transporting your profile and extensions to another computer. Install Firefox and then unzip the files into the corresponding profile directory on the new computer.

I haven't had any glitches with this so far but it might also be better to delete the folders and files in the profile directory before unzipping backup profile. I have just been copying the files over the existing files.

Just remember to back up the profile after making some changes in the profile such as adding extensions. Note that the backed up profile is removed before creating a"


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