Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Higher Linux League For Ubuntu?:

"For years, Red Hat and SUSE have dominated the enterprise Linux distribution space. But that duopoly may be in trouble, because the Debian-based GNU/Linux-derived Ubuntu has a little help from Big Blue.

IBM DB2 Lab Software engineers validated Ubuntu as part of the DB2 for Linux Validation program. The distro said it successfully completed the process and now carries the 'Ready for IBM DB2 Software for Linux' mark. This means 'IBM will fully support businesses who choose to run DB2 UDB on Ubuntu, an essential offering for mission-critical databases and applications.'

The IBM certification is the first major certification of its type for Ubuntu, which is sponsored by Canonical.

'With the DB2 certification we can now see that business users will start to look at using Ubuntu for their more critical applications,' Malcolm Yates, alliances and partner manager at Canonical, told"


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