Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Slashdot | Intel Mac OS X Catches Up With Older Brother: "(Score:5, Funny)
by Doc Ruby (173196) on Thursday November 03, @03:22PM (#13944283)
( | Last Journal: Thursday March 31, @01:48PM)
Leaked install DVD? HAH! That's for scriptkiddies. Where's the leaked kernel source code?

* Re:AppleCore by (startx) (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @03:34PM
(Score:5, Funny)
by iphayd (170761) <.moc.tnatlusnoc-cam. .ta. .noj.> on Thursday November 03, @05:04PM (#13945353)
( | Last Journal: Tuesday April 02, @08:30PM) []

Now that I gave you that, you have to find the source code to the Application and GUI layers."


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