Friday, March 17, 2006

Slashdot | Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer

Slashdot | Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer:

A scientist who works at Pfizer Global Research & Development, there are many natural substances that can treat diseases and conditions that are not known to the general public. For example, Lipitor, last year contributed to $13 BILLION of Pfizer's $16 BILLION profit. Drinkng 6 to 8 ounces of RED WINE per DAY (AND NO MORE!!!) will likely negate the need of Lipitor and similar drugs later in life for the treatment of elevated cholesterol and plaques in the arteries. The important point of this statement is that one cannot exceed 6 to 8 ounces of RED WINE per day, or else the effects of alcohol(ism) will have serious detrimental effects on the body. Google or Wikipedia 'resveratrol'.

Big pharma doesn't like the general public knowing that natural compounds present in everyday foods can prevent/treat diseases/conditions that arise later in life due to certain metabolic syndromes/disorders/lifestyles, etc... How else would big pharma demand high prices for its 'miracale/block-buster drugs'?

Since I'm a contract scientist working at Pfizer, and not employed by Pfizer, I feel obligated to tell the truth about some of the secrets hidden by the pharmaceutical industry. Don't read too much into what I've written, I'm not advocating the consumption of alcohol, but drinkning 6-8 ounces of red wine per day will keep high cholesterol and the doctor away, for a long, long time.


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