Sunday, April 30, 2006

FeedLounge now running on PostgreSQL : FeedLounge:

Alex, Scott,

I’m one of the Wikipedia techs and also a MySQL support engineer and I and one of our performance people are curious about your situation. If you’re interested in our feedback and/or in satisfying our curiosity, please email or post somewhere this information and we’ll let you know what we see:

SHOW INNODB STATUS\G (ideally twice ten minutes apart under load)
SHOW STATUS; (ideally twice ten minutes apart under load)
SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename for all tables
Some of your most common queries and EXPLAIN whatever the query output is for them.

Some description of the order in which records are added - in primary key order or not - would be interesting also, since out of order inserts can halve the fill factor of the InnoDB nodes in the worst case.

Our email addresses are james and peter, both at

In case you’re curious, the Wikimedia MySQL boxes do something between 200 and 400 million queries per day but they are quite powerful - typically dual Opterons with 16GB of RAM and six 15,000 RPM SCSI drives.


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