Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Make MSHFlexGrid Editable without help of any - visual basic, vb, vbscript

Make MSHFlexGrid Editable without help of any - visual basic, vb, vbscript:

Private Sub msh1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Select Case KeyAscii
Case vbKeyReturn, vbKeyTab
'move to next cell.

With msh1

If .Col + 1 <= .Cols - 1 Then
.Col = .Col + 1

If .Row + 1 <= .Rows - 1 Then
.Row = .Row + 1
.Col = 0
.Row = 1
.Col = 0
End If

End If

End With

Case vbKeyBack

With msh1
'remove the last character, if any.

If Len(.Text) Then
.Text = Left(.Text, Len(.Text) - 1)
End If

End With

Case Is < 32
Case Else

With msh1
.Text = .Text & Chr(KeyAscii)
End With

End Select

End Sub

Slashdot | Vista Security The 'Longest Suicide Note in History'?

Slashdot | Vista Security The 'Longest Suicide Note in History'?:

by aralin (107264) on Monday December 25, @07:05PM (#17362088)
You know this is a problem when dealing with Microsoft. You come into the process as objective person without prejudice to them and then you study the subject. If you study in a sufficient detail, you will become so enraged by what they are doing and that you are now hopelessly prejudiced against Microsoft. Look at the judge Jackson in the Microsoft trial. That is a person who's living depends on being objective and he got so pissed off by studying Microsoft practices that even he was not able to keep being perceived as impartial and so his ruling got thrown out by court of higher instance.

The most sad part is that Microsoft is abusing this by pointing to every such study as prejudiced and often rightly so. But what is the general public to do now? You either have experts that study the matter and become prejudiced or you have those with only superficial knowledge who can keep the illusion of objectivity but more often than not they do not know enough about the matter. Often to the point to believe studies paid by Microsoft as being a source of objective information. And if you want to keep the illusion of objectivity you need to cite those and it just seems wrong to me.

Sometimes you are just not supposed to be objective. Some topics do not invite that form of discussion. Is the Earth flat? I don't think anybody expects you to present the supporting opinion in equal length. Did holocaust happen? Again, not really a question in need of giving equal space to both sides. So why 'Is Microsoft crooked and do they intentionally cripple their product to harm consumer and competition?' needs any more discussion even after it was affirmed by Findings of Fact published by a federal judge? The matter of do they or don't they has long been settled. At this point the only question should be: "How exactly are they trying to cheat this time?"

Friday, December 22, 2006

Slashdot | Why Palm Still Covets Palm OS: "PalmOS is definitely stone-age internally, but guess what: being a PITA for programmers has *NOTHING* to do with its unmatched usability for end users.

I don't care how good WinCE's CLR is - it's a usability nightmare on a phone-sized device (why should I care what apps are running? I have zero interest in quitting this program to free up enough memory to run that program. The PIM functions also blow. And a Start menu? Please die.)

And J2ME is a very decent programming model? Yeah, great for programmers. Shitty for users. Have you ever actually *USED* third-party java apps on a Blackberry? I had the displeasure of having to carry one for $WORK years ago. Here's four words that sum up J2ME: 'loading... um... still loading.'"

What's the suspicious Rundll32.exe process?

What's the suspicious Rundll32.exe process?: "o know the module which is executed by Rundll32, proceed further. Without any third-party tools, here is a neat way to track down what the Rundll32 is executing. Open a Command Prompt window and type the following command:

tasklist /m /fi 'IMAGENAME eq rundll32.exe' >C:\rundll32.txt

rundll32-2.JPG (35490 bytes)Now, open the file C:\rundll32.txt file and identify the 'odd' modules. (filter out the system files and dependencies used by Rundll32.exe. The odd one (in this example) is the timedate.cpl file. Yes. I had the Date/Time dialog open and this is what Rundll32.ex"

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Slashdot | Drinking Alcohol May Extend Your Life

Slashdot | Drinking Alcohol May Extend Your Life:

by Ancient_Hacker (751168) on Wednesday December 20, @04:26PM (#17317792)
Well, that would be *excellent*, I love a glass of wine or three a day. A beer or two on a hot day is just heavenly.

But unfortunately the correlation may not imply causation. i.e. people who live longer drink more, but not vice-versa.

  • Maybe really sick people don't drink as much.
  • Maybe the people that have four drinks a day have to be quite healthy to keep that up day after day after day.
  • Maybe drinking keeps them off the streets, or out of other dangerous places.
  • Maybe all the 4-drink-a-day people have died already and were not around for a survey.

Lotsa possible ways to spoil things.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Type: Worm
Category: Win32
Also known as PE_LOOKED.AH (Trend), W32.Looked.J (Symantec), Win32.Looked.S, Win32/Looked.S!DLL!Worm, Worm.Win32.Viking.j (Kaspersky)

Immediate Protection Info
eTrust Antivirus v7/8* (InoculateIT Engine)23.72.52View Removal Instructions
eTrust Antivirus v7/8* (Vet Engine)12.6.2279View Removal Instructions
eTrust EZ Antivirus 6.x6.x/9851View Removal Instructions
eTrust EZ Antivirus 7.x7.x/2279View Removal Instructions
Vet 712.6.2279View Removal Instructions
Vet Anti-Virus 10.6x10.6x/9851View Removal Instructions

* Includes updates for InoculateIT and eTrust InoculateIT 6.0.
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Win32/Looked.S is a file-infecting worm that spreads via network shares. It has been distributed as a 27,075-byte, Upack compressed, Win32 executable. It also drops a 23,040-byte DLL which is used to download and execute binary executables.

Method of Infection

When executed, Win32/Looked.S copies itself to the %Windows% directory using the following filenames:


Note: '%Windows%' is a variable location. The malware determines the location of the current Windows folder by querying the operating system. The default installation location for the Windows directory for Windows 2000 and NT is C:\Winnt; for 95,98 and ME is C:\Windows; and for XP is C:\Windows.

It then modifies the registry so that the file "rundl123.exe" is executed at each Windows start:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\load = "%Windows%\rundl132.exe"

The worm then drops the DLL "vDll.dll" in the current directory. This is injected into the Explorer process and is used to download and launch processes inside Explorer's process space.

The worm also creates the semaphore "SemaphoreMe" to ensure it runs only one instance of itself.