Thursday, December 21, 2006

Slashdot | Drinking Alcohol May Extend Your Life

Slashdot | Drinking Alcohol May Extend Your Life:

by Ancient_Hacker (751168) on Wednesday December 20, @04:26PM (#17317792)
Well, that would be *excellent*, I love a glass of wine or three a day. A beer or two on a hot day is just heavenly.

But unfortunately the correlation may not imply causation. i.e. people who live longer drink more, but not vice-versa.

  • Maybe really sick people don't drink as much.
  • Maybe the people that have four drinks a day have to be quite healthy to keep that up day after day after day.
  • Maybe drinking keeps them off the streets, or out of other dangerous places.
  • Maybe all the 4-drink-a-day people have died already and were not around for a survey.

Lotsa possible ways to spoil things.


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