Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Slashdot | 29 Vector Drawing Programs: "Does nobody here use Freshmeat? (Score:5, Informative)
by jd (1658) on Tuesday August 02, @04:46AM (#13220178)
( | Last Journal: Saturday July 30, @01:33AM)
Some of these are probably listed elsewhere, but many aren't (as of the time of this posting) and it's good to have them collected in one place, anyway.

This list is NOT comprehensive, even of what is on Freshmeat (which, in turn, is not comprehensive in what is Open Source, which in turn is not comprehensive in what exists) but it should make for a good start.

Oh, and this list was trivial to make. Once you have such a list, it is then easy to go out and try the software to see if it'll do what you want. According to the fictional character Sherlock Holmes, 'it is a mistake, often made, to theorize without data'. So, when you theorize as to what software you'd like to use, here is some data you can use.

* White Dune [] - one of the best VRML editors - but, then, who uses VRML?
* Sodipopi [] - a very respectable editor
* Vector Visuals [] - looks like a nice package
* Gnu Plotutils [] - long-in-the-tooth, but is pretty standard and does do SVG.
* Quantum GIS [] does do some GIS-related vector work, but it is unclear as to whether you can really edit the vectors, per se
* Artstream [] - not been maintained in a while, though
* Skencil [] is a package recommended by Artstream's developers as a good, modern alternative
* JFDraw [] - Seems to be a good drawing package.
* Sketsa [] - a good sketching package, looks pretty powerful
* Figurine [] - doesn't look terribly maintained, but does look ggood.
* Cenon [] - Not sure about this one, but seems OK
* Inkscape [] - seems to be recommended by other Slashdotians.


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