Thursday, November 10, 2005

HOWTO : Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL Migration: "Having said all that, here is a partial list of things to correct:

1. Force to lower case.
2. Remove all square brackets.
3. Remove all object owner prefixes (i.e. 'dbo.')
4. Remove all reference to filegroup (i.e. 'ON PRIMARY')
5. Remove all non-supported optional keywords (i.e. 'WITH NOCHECK', 'CLUSTERED')
6. Update all non-supported data types (i.e. 'DATETIME' becomes 'TIMESTAMP') Also, this is a good time to get away from MONEY.It is supported in PostgreSQL, but is on its way out.Use NUMERIC(19,4).
7. Replace the T-SQL batch terminator 'GO' with the PostgreSQL batch terminator ';'

Put this file somewhere safe, and now let's get the data."


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