Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pixel Group Cat | Gmail Instant Messenger Logger | Google Factory Tour Webcast: "Update: Notes and paraphrases from the Web Cast

Marissa Mayer, Director of Consumer Web Products (promoted “God knows how many times”, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt) talked about Google’s core – search:

* 70-20-10 rule. 70% for search and ads.
* Google Maps with Satellite images “best mapping application on the web.”
* Rhetoric question: is there a coherent vision, or do people just build what they want?
* Most product announcements made by Google fall in the 20% category.
* The core 70% is not much talked about – it goes by relatively unnoticed by the public.
* You don’t wake up in the morning being happy you don’t have a toothache; similarly, you won’t notice how often Google manages to not screw up with search results.

There are behind the scenes heros at Google – the “70% engineers.” They care for right results, the right rankings, the great user experience."


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