Tuesday, January 10, 2006

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Know Ely da Vocalist…

NaMe: Ely Eleandre Basino Buendia

BirThdaTe: November 2, 1970

SchOoL: University of the Philippines-Diliman

CoUrSe: A.B. Masscomm (Film Major)

StUdeNt #: 88-02798

E-maIL: exp@csi.com.ph

SpOrtS: Bedroom basketball & psychological sky-diving

HoBBieS: Anything that doesn’t involve pain

InStrUmeNts PlaYed: Rhythm guitar and Voice Box

WhaT deStrUctS hIm mOsT onStaGe? Marcus

FaVOriTe LoSt IteMs: Virginities


ShadE Of ShadeS: Pale Horse

ColOr/BraNd Of UndeRWear: White Jockey

SiGns of ‘D TiMe: “I’m one of your millionaire fans.”

BLoOd TyPe: thick, hot and spicy

SuKiNg TiNdaHan: Tita Beth’s

FaVOriTe Ukay-ukay SiTeS: Baguio public market and Pagadian

FaVoRiTe eXcUse wHeN LaTe: “Si Marcus kasi…”

FaVoRitE F-wOrd: Fil-Harmonic

FaVoRite CartOoN ChaRaCteRs: Voltes V, Spiderman, Daredevil

FaVoRiTe FiLmS: Star Wars, The Graduate, Scarface, Blade Runner, Rocky Horror, Man W/ a Brains, Kakabakabakaba kaba?, Batch ‘81

FavoritE FoOd: Sinigang, Adobo, Giniling, Chicken Curry

FaVoRiTe PeT: Caitlin the Persian Cat (R.I.P.)

FaVoRiTe ColOrS: Blue and red

FaVoRitE DanCeS: Cha-Cha and lambada

FavOrite SmeLL: Beautiful

FaVorite FLoWeR: Flame tree flower

FavOrIte PerfUmE: Tawas for men

LiKeS: Literature/Music/Food/Sleep

DiSLiKeS: Arithmetic/Work/Hunger/No Sleep

MoSt Unforgettable HitCh: Jeepney Strike ‘87

MoSt EmBarraSSinG MoMent: Being born without clothes

HaPPieSt MomEnt: When the audience claps

SaDDeSt MoMent: When they don’t

GreAteSt drEam: To outdance the Universal Motion and to save the Earth from the forces of evil

WhaT iS a FrIend? Anybody and everybody and everyone else in between (sana)

DefIne LoVe: A many splendored thing

WhaT Is tHe meaNinG oF LifE? An orgasmic state characterized by capacity 4 metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction (consult Mr. Webster for more meanings)

MoTTo: Look Dick Look Look At Jane See Jane Laugh And Play


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