Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Slashdot | Another Google Recruiting Technique:

(Score:5, Insightful)
by sglane81 (230749) on Sunday September 19, @10:45PM (#10294675)
Being "smart" (i.e. being able to solve puzzles and grok math equations) is only a single, quite narrow aspect of "intelligence".

Intelligence measures two abilities: learning and reasoning. Being smart is the application of intelligence.

We all know the guy who's ultra-bright at science or math, but bloody useless in the "real world" or (gasp) interpersonal relationships.

People's motivations differ. That person who is ultra-bright may not see applying that logic as something to persue. The benefit of diversity is this: there will always be someone who can take that logic and apply it to something to make it useful to other people who don't care how it works.

What most people see as the goal of life is getting laid and having children (most of the time subconsciously) thus propogating the species. The basic law of nature (and man) is to survive by any means necessary. Most people make their attempt at immortality via offspring, some through presence (actors), others through published works/name recognition. There are also a number of people who create a fictitious being and place where they will live out eternity in bliss (religion).

Since it is illegal to test people's intelligence in the U.S. for a job, google is going to where the smart people are. I see nothing wrong with that. Reading a person on paper (that they wrote) is not a very accurate means for judging a person's intellect or skills. Testing their abilities just to get to the application is a smart thing to do.

None of this is about elitism. Some people do feel superior to others and are truly elitists, but it is generally the other people who feel inferior and have to tear the "elite" down by any means available.

None of this is an attack on you, so don't take it that way.


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