Friday, March 17, 2006

Create or replace Function DateADD(vchDatePart varchar , intOP in int,
dt date)
--GEO--C-- GAjoseph
--GEO--E-- Select DateADD('dd' , -10, sysdate) from dual
--GEO--E-- Select DateADD('dd' , 30, to_date('31-FEB-2003')) from dual
--GEO--E-- Select dateadd('m', 2 , sysdate), to_char(DateADD ( 'h' , 3 ,
to_date('01-JAN-2003 10:33:44' , 'dd-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') ) , 'dd-MON-YYYY
, DateADD ( 'h' , 3 , to_date('01-JAN-2003 10:33:44' ,
'dd-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') ) From dual;
--GEO--C-- Returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the
Is the parameter that specifies on which part of the date to
return a new value. The table lists the dateparts and abbreviations
recognized by Microsoft® SQL Server™.
Datepart Abbreviations
Year yy, yyyy
Month mm, m
Day dd, d
Hour hh
minute mi, n
second ss, s

return date
dd int;
mm int;
yyyy int;
hh int;
NN int;
SS int;
v date;
lintOP int;
lintOP := intOP;
--GEO--C-- INcreament Days
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'D%' then
return dt + intOP;
end if;
dd := to_number(to_Char(dt,'dd'));
mm := to_number(to_Char(dt,'MM'));
yyyy:= to_number(to_Char(dt,'yyyy'));
HH := to_number(to_Char(dt, 'HH'));
NN := to_number(to_Char(dt, 'MI'));
SS := to_number(to_Char(dt, 'SS'));
--GEO--C-- INcreament Year
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'Y%' then
yyyy:= yyyy+ lintOP;
end if;
--GEO--C-- INcreament Month.
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'M%' then
yyyy:= yyyy+round(lintOP/12);
mm := mm+mod(lintOP,12);
end if;-->MM
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'H%' then
dd := dd + round(lintOP/24);
hh := hh + mod(lintOP,24);
end if;--> hh
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'N%' then
dd := dd + round(lintOP/(24*60));
hh := hh + round(lintOP/60);
NN := NN + mod(lintOP , 60);
end if;--> MInutes
if upper(vchDatePart) like 'S%' then
dd := dd + round(lintOP/(24*60*60));
hh := hh + round(lintOP/60*60);
NN := NN + round(lintOP/60);
NN := NN + MOD(lintOP,60);
end if;--> SS
v := LAST_DAY(to_date('01/'||to_char(mm,'09')||'/'|| to_char(yyyy,
if dd > to_number(to_Char(v,'DD')) then
dd := to_number(to_Char(v,'DD'));
end if;
return to_date(lpad(dd,2,'0')||to_char(mm,'09')||'/'|| to_char(yyyy,
'0009')||' '||lpad(hh,2,'0')||':'||lpad(NN,2,'0')||':'||lpad(SS,2,'0'),
'dd/mm/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') ;
exception when others then return null ;


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