Friday, June 24, 2005

chikka on linux

.::underrated::.: "There are now two ways to use your Chikka account on your Linux Desktop.

How?! First, you may try to install Chix (Chikka for *nix) from via CVS and do the make, make install thing (it won’t work on me :( ) or you may now just use the Javalite from the Chikka website.

I use to use Chikka on a precompiled Chix given to me by Mhac. I used it both on Mandrake and Ubuntu. It was text-based but usable although it lacks the options found on the same Chikka program for Window$. The latest version of Chix can now be used on Gaim but I haven’t tried it as I can’t seem to make it work.

Fortunately, Chikka Javalite now works on Ubuntu although I am not sure if it also works on other Linux distributions. I am also not sure how come it now works on Linux because it didn’t worked way back then. Maybe the Chikka team did some tweaking or maybe the latest Java Runtime Environment (version 1.5.0_02) on Ubuntu did the trick. But then, I’m happy that it now works for me :) .

So now migrants from the land of Window$ will no longer miss their Chikka as they are welcomed to the land of the Free Linux…"


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