Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Slashdot | Comparing Linux and BSD, Diplomatically

Slashdot | Comparing Linux and BSD, Diplomatically: "If he looks at BSD internals, anything he comes up with relation to those internals might be considered derivative works and would need to be BSD licensed.

I was going to mod you down since I've got the points, but there isn't an 'Incorrect, -1' moderation.

The BSD license is about as liberal as it gets, basically saying 'Do what you want with the code but leave my copyright notice.' This includes sticking the BSD code into GPL'd code, XYZ'd code, or even closed, proprietary code.

GPL is the license that says what is open must stay open, and even with that, only if you copy the actual code. 'Ideas' are not protected by copyright, just expression. Protecting designs and more recently ideas is what patent law is for."


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