Sunday, July 03, 2005

Slashdot | 83,431 Recited Digits of Pi

Slashdot | 83,431 Recited Digits of Pi:

"A person has a fixed amount of mental capability. This capability is divided into three categories:
1) Memorization
2) Logical Thinking
3) Wasted watching 'Surivor'.

The more time you spend on #1, the less you have for #2 and #3. The more on #2, the less for #1 and #3. The more on #3, the less for #1 and #2.

Note that Albert Einstein was not considered to have a super high IQ by 'world changing genius' standards. But the dude could not even remember his phone number or address. Clearly he robbed #1 to get more #2.

I am not sure what this counselor's total intelligence is. But she sure wasted precious brain cells on something that is irrelevant (3.141592654 gives you the circumference of the earth to within a centimeter given its diameter), and easily looked up."


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