Sunday, January 22, 2006 » Home & Family: "Grocers
Posted on 12.22.05 by Victor @ 7:39 am

I miss simply bumming at home. For the past few days of my Christmas break, I’ve been helping out in our grocery store in Sta. Maria by manning the cash register, wiping shelves, and the most tedious job of all, encoding all the store’s merchandise in a barcode database manually. When I say manually, I mean manually encoding each merchandise’s 13-digit bar code by copying the digits from every item’s packaging then entering it (together with the item’s description and its price) into a computer program barcode system thingum. I’m doing it manually because we don’t have a USB-serial connector yet so I can’t use the barcode sensor gun thing for now. Gaad, I’m not even halfway through. I can’t even import the Excel worsheet of the inventory I encoded a few days ago, so I started doing this barcode database from scratch. My brother and I are taking shifts encoding though.

Oh well, I’ll ask for a day off one day. I still have some school work, internet surfing and DVD watching to catch up on. Hehe.


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