Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Bill's House O Insomnia : Spot the VB6 Programmer:

My absolute most hated VB user is the dreaded "corporate analyst" who knows just enough to be really dangerous. They say things to their boss like "sure I can have a CRM application that uses Sql Server up and going in a few weeks" deadline comes and they have their basic connection code up and going and not much more. So they come downstairs to the lab where I work and see which research developer they can try and con into helping them. If that fails shortly afterwards their boss will go speak to our boss about "getting someone to help them out with a small project they are having trouble with". Our boss will have us go take a look and we come back and tell him that not only is it not a small project what they have so far is a VBA app in Excel that populates the wrong part of a spread sheet with the wrong data from Sql Server. Yes, that's right they tried to write it in Excel VBA. Think I'm joking I can e-mail you code straight out of their stupid projects. I save some of the really bad stuff to use as examples of what not to do. Such as If Then Else statements nested 18 deep in a time critical loop, etc.


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