Saturday, April 08, 2006

Slashdot | Star Wars Kid Cuts a Deal With His Tormentors

Slashdot | Star Wars Kid Cuts a Deal With His Tormentors: "Re:Wrong...
(Score:5, Insightful)
by mcrbids (148650) on Friday April 07, @03:12PM (#15086811)
'bullying the bully doesn't change it'

That is absolutly incorrect. It is well know to those of us that beat the crap out of a bully or two in our youth, that a baseball bat to the head will change things very quickly. If you avoid arrest, the bully very quickly learns that you are not a 'fun' target anymore.

How right you are, but here's the funny part that I found: you don't even necessarily have to win the fight, you just have to be willing to fight it.

Putting up the resistance is usually all that's necessary. The mere threat of resistance is enough - bullies don't want to fight, they want to walk on you without effort. So, make 'em work for it, and you'll generally be left alone. I've see that to be true all throughout life, in all my personal and business relationships.

Be friendly! Work hard, help people, go to parties, be social, and be honorable in all your dealings! But whatever you do, make DAMNED SURE that at the first sign of any real threat, that they know that it would be painful to be your enemy."


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