Sunday, April 09, 2006

Slashdot | Torvalds Says 'Use KDE': "Re:KDE vs. Gnome. Ready...FIGHT!
(Score:5, Interesting)
by drgonzo59 (747139) on Tuesday December 13, @02:42PM (#14248604)
Actually research kind of supports what you say. In an Human Computer Interface (HCI) graduate class I took a couple of years ago we read a paper that compared how people did the same task using a text console and a point-and-click interface (mostly copying, renaming, moving and creating files). It turns out at first people figure out the point and click interface faster but they are more likely to remember how to do all those tasks using a command line. In other words the researchers called those people back a week later and the ones who were using the command line remembered better how to do the tasks."


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