Sunday, July 03, 2005

Slashdot | 83,431 Recited Digits of Pi

Slashdot | 83,431 Recited Digits of Pi:

"But she sure wasted precious brain cells on something that is irrelevant (3.141592654 gives you the circumference of the earth to within a centimeter given its diameter), and easily looked up.

You're missing the point - this is not about doing something useful, it's about proving that it can be done by a human. For the same reason people hold sports competitions: that somebody can jump 2.40 meters high is also irrelevant per se, but it sure is an impressive thing for a human to do.

Your theory about the 3 capacities is interesting, but as it stands, it's just that: a theory. I for one think it is more likely that the brain can be trained, and through training can expand its capacity. Certainly the concentration required to memorize large numbers will be beneficial when we try to think logically."


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