Friday, March 02, 2007

: "1. Change your thinking by asking better questions.

Often, when we're struggling financially we ask the wrong questions. Asking negative questions like why you're always broke or can't get a raise can lead to negative answers. If you believe you can't make more money and consequently do nothing to change, you'll prove yourself right. If you think it's just too hard, it will be.

But if, instead, you empower yourself by asking, 'What can I do to make more?' then you'll change your life. I asked Dan and Sally, 'What can you do to earn more money' They focused on the answer, and together we went to work on their plan.

It took a lot of work (theirs, not mine): Dan picked up an additional coaching job and grew his summer lawn-care business, while Sally picked up summer school teaching jobs and started a mini-eBay business. It wasn't easy for them, but they did it. "


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