Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Moving On - Children of the Children of God: "Give me your ideas!

I want to see your views on the proliferation of religion. Take the group we all came from. It started by one man who couldn’t fit into society, couldn’t make a living. He saw an opportunity & took it. He proclaimed himself to be a prophet. A whole new group was born. Today at large, there are so many similar groups, all saying that they are the only true ones & everyone else is going to hell unless they are saved by either adhering to their beliefs or getting saved by them. Face it; it’s not just the new groups that say it.
A group is born, they grow a bit; they need powerful & influential people to back them. The more power they have the more of a chance that they will become a recognized religion. Look at all the big religions in the World. They all started off small. If it wasn’t for the zeal of their followers & the time in history when killing was more accepted, they probably would have fizzled out. I do believe if the Family was in the 6-14 century & they had big backing, there would probably be big crusades with swords in order to force people to believe their way.
They (unfortunately for them) live in an era when they have to abide by the rules of a more civilized society. Good for us, in that we weren’t subject to more abuse & forced to expand their beliefs even more viciously.
I don’t expect others to share my views. I’m just a bit pissed off on how so many different groups believe they are the right ones & will cram down your throat (if you let them) all sorts of shit. Why don’t people see how much society has suffered through history at the hands of religious bigots. Whole civilizations have been wiped out. The Family is just another group trying to influence as many people as they can & get as much power as they can for their own ends."


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